Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Mission

This blog is about one thing, making me laugh, and possibly that other guy that contributes here. If he laughs, that's all well and good, but it's about me.

The theme to the blog is the bible and all it's wonderment. You'll no doubt read the sarcasm hanging over the word "wonderment". In honesty, we're here to read the bible straight through, and then to ruthlessly analyze it for amusement.

While my partner in heresy might look to crap on everything the good book has to say, I intend to jump in with open arms and look at it through the eyes of a drunken third grader. It'll just have to make sense to a person who still believes in Santa Claus for me to be happy with it.

From time to time we may feature some other things about religion beyond the bible, that's okay. There's no need to freak out, we'll get through our cover to cover reading eventually, and ideally it will be able to convince me on it's face to disavow my belief in Santa Claus and accept Jesus, Moses, God or the Holy Spirit (whoever that is) as my new non-pagan idol.

If you want it summed up in a nutshell just think, "Holy HaHas." Then say it five times quickly. There, now you're already laughing.


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Why Hast I Forsaken Thee??

I may have a different perspective than my partner in blasphemy. I work with religious people, and have them on both sides of my family and to a lesser extent, among my friends. It effects me every day, not in the sense that they look down on me for being gay, not observing the sabbath, eating shellfish or whittling my own litte graven images, but that the stupid, cruel, and wrong decisions these people make are often directly influenced by their religious beliefs. Oh sure, I hope for my posts to be entertaining and dripping in sarcasm, but I have religion surrounding me every day and it is often responsible for turning up my anger dial to eleven, and turning up my "tired movie reference" dial to twelve.

There are many people who I love very much that are Christians, Catholics (they will swear they are different, unless they need to join against the Muslims), Hindus, Jews, and people who think that astrology is real. This blog is in no way an attack on specific people but on their basis of their beliefs. I often find myself in debates and discussions about religion with religious people who do not understand their own magical textbooks. I hope that by reading the bible cover to cover I can head into some of these debates (wars) with some knowledge (ammunition) to be loaded into my brain (gun) which I can use to argue (shoot) with people who have a different view of religion than I do (people who have a different view of religion than I do).

So let's make like Sonic the Hedgehog and come with the Genesis.

- Charlatan Heston

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

...And on the First Day

Thom created a post so he could test this page.
